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your questions
How can Trebellar help automate workplace operations?

Using workflows, users can easily create and configure business rules that – when triggered – can automate a response. For example, you could create workflow that sends an SMS or Teams message when a space reaches a critical threshold for occupancy, air quality, or temperature.

Can Trebellar integrate with work order management or ticketing systems?

Yes! Trebellar can streamline the creation of work orders and tickets for your workplace operations teams and the vendors they work with. Please reach out to discuss your particular needs. In most cases, we can support a new integration in as little as 2 to 10 business days.

What types of insights can Trebellar provide to workplace operations teams supporting hybrid work?

By integrating your calendar and/or space-booking system, you can gain a better understanding of how office spaces are used relative to virtual attendees. For example, you’d be able to measure what percentage of people join remotely versus the inferred number of people who attend from a meeting room. Adding occupancy or presence sensors can provide even greater granularity on these measures. From a privacy perspective, it’s important to note that Trebellar does not ingest or store any personally identifiable information, such names or email addresses.