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We’re here to help.

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M-F, 8am to 5pm Pacific
+1 (415) 855-7869

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M-F, 8am to 5pm Pacific
[email protected]

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San Francisco, California


How long does it take to integrate a new data source or system?

It depends, but typically we're able to get a new system integrated into our platform in 14 days or less.

Can you integrate with on-premise systems?

Generally, yes. Please reach out to discuss your particular needs.

What types of data sources are available?

Examples include Wifi, access controls, and sensors for occupancy/utilization; AQI sensors for air quality and C02; building automation systems for energy and related outputs.

Is any special hardware required?

No special hardware is required. Trebellar is software that integrates with existing systems that are commonly found in buildings and offices.

How quickly can I get started?

If you're looking to pull together data from a system Trebellar already integrates with, we can get you up and running in an afternoon with your first data source. As you scale to more spaces, buildings, and data sources, we partner with you on a rollout plan that makes the most sense for your organization's goals.